
Bra Fitting Event!

Thursday, May 31st, 10am to 2pm!

Did you know a snug or underwire bra can occlude milk ducts, which can lead to clogged ducts, mastitis, or low milk supply?  Women's breasts increase in size during pregnancy, and even more after delivery, through the first few months of breastfeeding, deeming it necessary to purchase a proper-fitting bra!  Also, the clasps on nursing bras offer easy-access for breastfeeding and also pumping!

Medela representatives will be on site at the hospital to perform bra fittings for our pregnant/nursing/pumping moms and employees!  Everyone will have the opportunity to purchase a custom Medela/Bravado brand nursing bra at a 10% DISCOUNT!

Complimentary Medela products and refreshments offered!


New Moms in May!

I am excited to announce that we had SIX new Moms join the group this month, and one return participant!

The best advice I gave?  Don't worry about washing pump parts after EACH pump!  Pumping is so tedious and time-consuming, and many moms still have to wake in the middle of the night to pump...and by the time they're done setting up the pump, pumping for 15-20 minutes, labeling/putting milk away, and then CLEANING pump parts....it's time to start the routine all over!  When I was pumping, the BEST advice a mom told me was that breast milk is bactericidal (we give this to our babies to protect them from infection!) and breast milk is good for up to 10 hours at room temp (various resources tell you various times), so why not pump and leave your pump equipment sitting until the next pump, and then clean them after the second pump?  Ok, so I wouldn't leave them in a hot, sunny spot, or for a whole 10 hours between multiple pumps without washing with dish soap, but surely you can skip one cleaning in between two pumps!  Remember, always sterilize your pump equipment once a day...you can use the simple-to-use Medela steam bags, or boil pump parts.

Other alternatives: buy extra pumping equipment (flanges/membranes) so you can alternate between sets and not have to clean after each pumping session.  OR, delegate to your husband, mom, dad, brother, sister, friend to wash for you!  Medela also makes Quick Clean Wipes, that is safe to wipe down pump equipment if dish soap unavailable!

We also discussed Breast Milk Donation for our moms who have an overabundance supply of breast milk!  The Milk Bank of Ohio accepts breast milk from eligible moms, and they test and pasteurize the milk so that other vulnerable infants all over the country can receive the benefits of human milk when it is otherwise unavailable to them!

This month's Giveaway was two handmade nursing covers and burp cloth by Seenie Bee.  Also, we gave away a gift certificate for one custom order nursing bra, at our Medela Bra Fitting Event on May 31st!

Our lovely May Group!

Only crumbs left of this delicious Apple Cake!

Thanks, Ladies, for a great meeting!  Keep up the great work, your babies are so grateful for the milk you are making for them!  I hope to see some of you at our next meeting!


May Flowers...

...hopefully bring in new Mothers!  Our May meeting is next week, Friday May, 18th!

I am so excited to update everyone on one NICU mom who was discharged, BREASTFEEDING!  She emailed me and said, "The group was very helpful, keep it up as I am sure you will help many more moms!!!!"  I'm so proud!

I hope to see new faces next week, since some of our repeat participants have been heading home (which is amazing news)!

May's giveaway will be two gorgeous nursing covers, and a burp cloth, made by a close (and talented) friend at Seenie Bee!

Also, stay tuned for an update on our first ever Medela Bra Fitting Event, being held for all staff, patients, moms at the end of the month!  Women will be properly fitted for nursing bras, and can custom order their own bras!  One lucky GEMS participant will win a free custom order bra!