
Sorry Mamas and Friends...

...July and August have been slacking!  Our GEMS group last month brought in one NICU mama, and although she was grateful for the individual guidance, I was a bit deflated!  So, we took a break in August to regroup, and to find more donations from awesome Etsy shops to gift to our moms!

My friend Ali has been stalking Etsy diligently to find awesome, whimsical, therapeutic gifts for our moms!  Some of the things our participants will be gifted are framed wall art, nursing covers, boppy covers, baby wraps, burp cloths, and massages (yes!)!

Kim and I are also rescheduling our group to every second Friday of each month, so moms can better anticipate the meetings!  Our next meeting will be Friday, September 14th!

On another note, last week was World Breastfeeding Week, and the United States Breastfeeding Committee announced that August is now officially Breastfeeding Month!!!  I want to congratulate all of you who have struggled or succeeded in breastfeeding or pumping breast milk for your babies (no matter for how long), and to those of you who have educated and supported a mom's wish to provide human milk for her baby!  It is not always an easy task, and I hope with the right education and support you continue to try and provide the best nutrition and infection protection for your little ones!

A special shout-out to my colleague and friend, Mary Lou, who won the Hospital Wide Breastfeeding "STAR" award for Breastfeeding Resource Nurse! She and 6 other nominees were acknowledged for their Support, Teaching, Advocacy, and Resource to staff and moms in the hospital!

Some awesome sites to visit:
