
Back to school, back to GEMs!

This month we met with five beautiful and committed women!  Each were willing to share her story and her frustrations with pumping, low supply, and breastfeeding.  Most of all, they were there for each other, offering suggestions and personal experience.  Almost every mom commented that the most helpful part of the group was hearing each other's experiences and tribulations.  One mom said, "it was very uplifting, made me feel more calm about the whole thing", and another mentioned it was helpful "just being able to hear other people have the same issues".

We discussed the common problem of low milk supply, as well as the frustration of pumping and pumping and pumping, when a baby is unable to even begin feeding yet.  It is important to acknowledge the hard work and effort (mental and physical) that goes into pumping breast milk eight times a day!  It is so easy to say "Enough! I'm done!".  But for one reason or another these moms push through, and it is important to encourage them, cheer them on, and let them know how important their breast milk is for their child's recovery...something no doctor/nurse can provide!

I applaud all of you moms out there who are pumping for your babies, especially the sick little ones!  It's also good to be there for each other, share your successes and frustrations as you may inspire and help another mom!  No matter your milk supply, keep it up, even the smallest amounts of milk can provide HUGE protection for your infants!

We also had a couple of moms who were transitioning their babies to breast, and we discussed optimal feeding schedules and ways to advocate for their desire to successfully breastfeed to the medical teams!  With the right support from nurses, practitioners, and doctors, breastfeeding a once-sick, NICU baby can be successful!

Our dedicated Mamas!

We offered Fenugreek tea to help with low milk supply!

Delicacies provided by our friends Sherry and Rebekah, NICU Breastfeeding Committee members!

Our giveaway, courtesy of Almost Sunday Designs!  How cute!

Thanks for a wonderful group this month!


Feeling refreshed...

Next Friday we are resuming our monthly GEMs meetings!  The group will meet every second Friday of each month, same location, same time...so hopefully our Moms can better anticipate the sessions!

Thanks to my wonderful collaegue and friend, Ali, we have exciting giveaways to last us through the end of the year, as well as special events for the Moms!

Next week, we will be raffling off two Framed Alphabet Prints from Almost Sunday Designs, which can help cozy up a hospital room, or compliment a nursery!