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It has been months since the last post, but our GEMs group has been going strong!  In March we celebrated our one year GEMs anniversary and treated our pumping/breastfeeding moms in the hospital to chair massages, with the support of our Health and Wellness Center and NICU managers!  The event was such a success that we hope to repeat it!

Our July meeting was so wonderful with new faces and a supportive husband!  A few of the women have problems with limited milk supply, so we discussed frequent pumping, transitioning to breast/non-nutritive sucking, skin-to-skin, and fenugreek.  We also had a mom with a large supply and spoke to her about cutting back on frequency of pumps as she was transitioning her child to breast and ready to go home.  The moms asked each other questions, and the dad also spoke up about pumping and asked a little bit about the science behind breast milk and it's importance beyond "it's the best nutrition"!

Dads and other family members play such a huge role in encouraging our moms to pump, and one mom admitted that she would've quit if it weren't for her supportive husband!  We need to thank our support people and acknowledge their participation in the pumping process, whether it's the record-keeping, equipment cleaning, cheering, or insistence to pump or breastfeed! 

Kim's daughters made delicious s'mores bars and Rosie made a yummy blueberry lemon cake for everyone to munch on....remember pumping/breastfeeding moms should consume an extra 300 calories a day! We also had plenty of water and Fenugreek Tea!

The raffle of the month was a Carseat Canopy

Great job, Mommies, and THANK YOU Daddies!!!

Remember World Breastfeeding Week  is August 1-7, and the theme is Mother's Support!  Let us know what, and WHO, encourages you to provide breast milk for your babies and/or ways that you motivate and support others!!