
September: Pumpkin Mania!

I say this because both Kim and I are excited about Fall and made pumpkin delicacies for the moms this month!  And they were delicious!!

As always, we offered Mothers Milk tea and encouraged our low-suppliers to drink it during the meeting!

We had another great group (and great turn out!), some returning moms, but a couple of new faces as well! We discussed the usual troublemaker: low milk supply, and some techniques to optimize the body's own milk production, as well as some supplements and medications.  The moms are so good at sharing their own experiences and have become integral in inspiring and motivating each other to keep at it!  We also discussed transitioning to breast, and transitioning to home having to pump,bottle, and breast feed!

 The cutie-pie in the middle sporting our GEMs t-shirts loved the pumkpin muffins, and told us how her mommy makes milk for her baby brother!  Two of the moms won CUTE baby leg warmers from BabyLegs, which are perfect to keep most of our babies warm, who cannot otherwise be dressed!  For other moms struggling with NICU stays, a GEMs participant told the group about bracelet charms and journey beads to help tell the story of ICU milestones reached, on PeekabooICU's website!  I think this would be a great giveaway for future meetings!!