
Our next meeting...

...St. Patrick's Day!

We are trying to reach out to other units in the hospital besides the NICU.  Next week is the Hospital Wide Breastfeeding Committee Meeting, where representatives from all inpatient units and some outpatient units come to discuss breastfeeding/human milk issues and ways we can best support our pumping/breastfeeding moms and staff.  The flyer for next month's meeting will be handed out so these representatives can distribute to moms on their respective units!

I am excited to feature Tator Tops Boutique for our next giveaway!  We will be raffling off these beautiful nursing covers and matching burp cloths to THREE deserving mommies :)

These Nursing Covers/Hooter-Hiders/Ta-Ta Tents are great for pumping moms in the hospital, as there are limited pump rooms and many moms prefer to pump at their baby's bedside which is anything but private!  For those moms who don't care about letting 'em hang out, good for you! But for those who are a little more self conscious, these nursing covers can help make pumping in public a little less stressful (trust me, as an exclusive pumper, I used a Boobie Blanket to pump in the car, airport, in front of guests...)!

I anticipate more yummy baked goods and refreshments (half-caf coffee and tea were NOT winners at the last meeting) donated/baked by NICU Breastfeeding Committee members! Thank you!!!

I hope we see some familiar and some new faces on March 17th!!!

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