
Best for Babes

Diane Spatz, my friend and mentor in all that is related to my career advancement into lactation, just provided an interview for Best for Babes!  This website is dedictated to helping moms overcome the obstacles (cultural, social, physical) that may hinder their goal of breastfeeding their baby!

Diane's interview, "Booby Traps Series: How to to beat the Booby Traps in the NICU", discusses her "10 steps for Promoting and Protecting Breastfeeding for the Vulnerable Infant", which we successfully follow in our clinical setting at CHOP.  Diane has fought for culture change related to breastfeeding and the importance of Human Milk in the NICU.  We view breast milk not only as optimal nutrition, but as infection protection, and as a medical intervention.  We can proudly say that the majority of our NICU moms are pumping, and we are working with Nursing (and G.E.M.s!) in acheiving that last step towards transitioning the once-sick-but-now-healthy infant to the breast for feeds prior to discharge.  Click on the link above to read Diane's interview!

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