
Happy World Breastfeeding Week, Part I

What a super relevant theme this year, "Breastfeeding Support: Close to Mothers"!  G.E.M.s was created to offer support and education for our moms of hospitalized infants, and throughout the months the impact has been amazing! To see moms gain confidence in their desire to provide breast milk for their babies is incredible, but even more inspiring has been the support these moms have given to each other!  One of the most common comments we receive from participants is that is is helpful to meet other moms in their similar situations with a sick infant, low supply, large supply, or just plain fatigue and irritation from exclusively pumping!  Kim and I applaud your efforts to giving your babies the best nutrition and infection protection, and also for supporting and encouraging other moms around you!

Also, a special shout-out (again) to the extra-special, and super important support person in a breastfeeding/pumping mom's life! that would be husbands/boyfriends, parents, friends, siblings...anyone who has cheered these moms on to continue pumping or breastfeeding, helped clean pumping equipment, and reminded moms of the importance of providing breast milk!  You are all the most influential people in a woman's life, and without your encouragement and support most moms would give up...so, Thank You!!

A most Happy World Breastfeeding Week to all moms out there who have provided their babies with one day or one year of breast milk for their infants, whether healthy or sick!  You are all changing our societal views about the normalcy of breastfeeding...please continue to encourage each other and if you find that you need extra support please reach out, to online support groups, as well as community support groups!

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